The 2018 Learning Technologies Backchannel – Curated Resources #LT18UK

This post curates resources shared via the backchannel of the Learning Technologies Conference & Exhibition being held January 31 – February 1 in London.

I am a huge proponent of backchannel learning. There are many conferences I would love to be able to attend, but most people can only accommodate one or two each year. The backchannel is an excellent resource for learning from a conference or event, even if you are unable to attend in-person. I find curating and reviewing backchannel resources to be a valuable learning experience for me, even when I am attending a conference in person. Sharing these collections on this blog has shown that others find value in the collections as well.

Official Learning Technologies Conference Resources
Conference Website
Learning Technologies 2018: The Backchannel Details by Kate Graham

Rohit Talwar Keynote
Fast Future Publishing
10 human jobs disrupted by AI by Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, & Helena Calle
10 Developments That Might Just Happen In 2018 by Rohit Talwar
The potential day-to-day impact of robotics and connected devices by Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, April Koury, Alexandra Whittington, & Maria Romero
Rohit Talwar at PwC’s Future of Work Conference 2016: Humans and technology in collaboration
Anticipating 2025: Rohit Talwar

Ulrich Boser Keynote
The 74 Interview: Ulrich Boser on Understanding the Science of Learning
Learn Better: A Book Release and Conversation with Ulrich Boser
The best way to learn is taking a mixed up approach to practice by Ulrich Boser
Want to Be a Better Learner? Consider How Pilots Train to Fly a Plane by Ulrich Boser
Betsy DeVos has invested millions in this ‘brain training’ company. So I checked it out. by Ulrich Boser
Forgot Where You Parked? Good by Ulrich Boser
What Do People Know About Excellent Teaching and Learning? by Ulrich Boser
How to Learn New Things as an Adult by Olga Khazan
Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect by Ulrich Boser
Talking to Yourself (Out Loud) Can Help You Learn by Ulrich Boser
Five Popular Myths About Learning That Are Completely Wrong by Stephanie Vozza
Sorry, kids: schools need more testing, not less by Ulrich Boser
Want to Play Scrabble Like a Pro? Here’s Your Memory Trick by Ulrich Boser

Are We Running Out of Ideas? by Stephen J. Dubner
L&D needs to stop creating and start curating by Ben Betts
How can technology transform the human body? TED Talk by Lucy McRae
At #LT18UK walkabout the exhibition with @lightbulbjo
Digital Learning Realities research fromo The Fosway Group
Self-driving cars don’t care about your moral dilemmas by Alex Hern
Why you want blockchain-based AI, even if you don’t know it yet by Jeremy Epstein
How Nudge Theory Just Made You Click on This Headline (and Helped a Famous Economist Win the Nobel Prize) by John Brandon
When the Nerds Go Marching In by Alexis Madrigal
Hawaii governor didn’t correct false missile alert sooner because he didn’t know his Twitter password by Travis M. Andrews
‘Never send a human to do a machine’s job:’ Five big mistakes in education technology and how to fix them by Valerie Strauss
Google’s Project Tango finds a new home in the classroom by Karissa Bell
Walkabout 2 at the #LT18uk exhibition with @lightbulbjo

Dedicated Backchannel Queries [Tool and search terms shown in brackets]
Access the up-to-date Learning Technologies backchannel [Twitter: #LT18UK]

I will be adding to this list as I continue to review the backchannel transcripts and find resources. I will tweet updates occasionally as additional links are added. If you know of a valued resource I should add to the list – or if something is inaccurate – please add it to the comments or tweet me a link to @LnDDave.

If you find these collections of value, I have posts that consolidate the backchannel resources from other conferences. An archive of all of these posts can be accessed by clicking the link below:

Click here to access the archive of backchannel resource posts.
